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Having varicose or spider veins must be the bane of your existence. Even if you feel absolutely no pain or discomfort as a result, one thing is certain: the affected veins are unsightly and you want them gone. Besides, spider and varicose veins are an indicator that you might be at...
No matter how sophisticated varicose vein treatment has become, many of those affected by spider or varicose veins continue to hope that some miraculous DIY solution will suddenly fall into their lap. They’ll google “smart ways guaranteed to hide my veins” before googling “varicose veins doctor near me”, certain that they...
The things we do may have an effect we are unaware of. Our actions have consequences and may end up taking a toll when we least expect it and in ways we were completely unprepared for. Eating too much sugary stuff could have a detrimental effect on your health and...
The normal function of healthy veins is to regulate blood circulation and direct blood to the heart, but what happens when something goes amiss? What causes the veins to stop functioning and what are the early signs that you should look out for? Are you at risk of Chronic Venous Insufficiency? Do you...
Twisted? Bulging? Painful? Enlarged? When varicose veins start causing you both pain and discomfort and loss of self-confidence, it’s time to take action. But before you do take action, there is bound to be a lot of questions preying on your mind: Is it time I scheduled a visit to...
Laser ablation is basically becoming the gold standard in the field for patients looking to eliminate varicose veins effectively. Aside from its efficacy, one of the main benefits of Endovenous Laser Ablation or EVLT is that there is no downtime and the postoperative recovery is fairly short, simple and straightforward. But before you consult a competent...
Gone are the days when surgery was the only option to treat vascular veins. You can now seek the assistance of professionals who use minimally invasive varicose vein treatment options instead. They will introduce you to alternative methods of treating your varicose or spider veins. Lasting recovery after varicose vein treatment is possible and you...
If varicose or spider veins are the bane of your existence, preventing you from living your best life, the leading vein doctors can lend you a helping hand. After all, the best thing you can do is consult the leaders in the field of advanced varicose vein treatment and by far the...
Painful and potentially dangerous, varicose veins are not a condition you want to ignore. Even if you could eliminate the complications that may come with varicose veins, the condition can decrease your quality of life. It can even cause you to lose self-confidence since unsightly varicose and spider veins can affect your physical...
The number of LA patients looking for an effective method to eliminate discomfort and pain resulting from varicose and spider veins seems to be on the rise. Foam scleropathy for spider veins in Los Angeles is among the most sought-after types of treatment. To understand whether this is the optimal treatment for...
It comes as no surprise that there is a constant demand for sclerotherapy in Los Angeles among patients affected by varicose veins. The condition can have a long-term impact on the patient, reducing their quality of life to a considerable extent and in more ways than one. Contrary to popular belief, this...
It is blatantly obvious that varicose veins are an increasingly common condition that affects an alarmingly high number of people. The condition is so common, in fact, that it has caused the demand for foam treatment for varicose veins in Los Angeles, one of the most effective methods of varicose vein...
Beverly Hills is the go-to place for the treatment of any venous disorder, from spider and vascular veins to collapsed veins. Different as the two may be, they are equally unsightly and potentially dangerous. It is a widely known fact that varicose vein treatment in LA is just what the...
If varicose veins and venous insufficiency are the bane of your existence, it is time to seek advanced methods of varicose vein treatment in LA. Undergoing sophisticated treatment by a Beverly Hills vein specialist is the way out you have been looking for. One thing is certain: spider and varicose veins do not...
Many suffering from varicose veins try to find alternative ways to deal with their condition. But with an experienced vein specialist looking after you, undergoing varicose veins treatment is nothing to worry about. Besides, your vein specialist will look into your condition and medical history and recommend the optimal way for the...
By now, it has become common knowledge that undergoing varicose vein treatment in Los Angeles is the best course of action for anyone suffering from varicose veins. Beverly Hills is home to the leading vein treatment specialists and patients from across the country flock to the city in order to be examined...
Regardless of its effectiveness and brief period of recovery, many continue to be reluctant about undergoing varicose veins laser treatment in Beverly Hills. But as you’ll find out after consulting a vein specialist about the best form of treatment, laser treatment delivers outstanding results. Besides, varicose veins will not disappear on their own,...
For advanced forms of spider and varicose vein treatment, Los Angeles is the place to be. If you decide to undergo varicose vein treatment in Beverly Hills, you will have no problem finding a vein specialist you can have absolute confidence in. But many patients wonder if there are alternatives to...
If you worry that you might develop spider veins, reaching out to a professional as soon as possible is your best course of action. Dangerous or not, spider veins are certainly undesirable. But are spider veins a cause for alarm? Before you set out on a quest to find a recognized vein specialist who has...
Enlarged and twisted, varicose veins are not only extremely unpleasant to look at and making you feel self-conscious. They also come with various other dreadful symptoms: itchiness, aching, burning, swelling, throbbing, restlessness, heaviness, fatigue. If varicose veins are the bane of your existence, you are not the only one. Considering...
Although spider veins are a common problem, especially among women, not many people know much about what the causes of spider veins are. Understanding this issue better can help you implement appropriate measures to prevent spider veins in the future. Although there’s a possibility for spider veins to disappear on their own, scheduling...
A problem such as spider veins can greatly affect a person’s self-confidence. Luckily, this issue can be easily solved if you schedule a consultation with a trusted doctor who has experience and knowledge in the area of spider vein removal in Los Angeles. However, before making an appointment, you need...
When opportunity arises, seize the moment: enhance your quality of life and boost your self-confidence. Having a sense of low self-esteem is no way to live life, especially in Beverly Hills, home to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the symbol of glamour and the silver screen. It is time to look for a team of professionals led...
Laser treatment in Beverly Hills is one of the most effective types of treatment for varicose veins, as well as being one of the most popular alternatives to conventional surgery. Besides, it is a minimally invasive treatment without a complicated post-treatment care process. For all these reasons, laser treatment is often dubbed...
It comes as no surprise that many LA women are on a quest for the fastest, most efficient method of removing spider veins in Los Angeles. Although they might not be as prominent or painful as varicose veins, spider veins are an eyesore. If you run the risk of having spider veins or...
Sclerotherapy is one way of eliminating the discomfort and the cosmetic implications that come with having varicose veins. This is the primary goal of the American Board of Venous & Lymphatic Medicine and of anyone who has ever suffered from a venous disorder. If you’ve already discovered all there is to know about sclerotherapy and decided...
Sclerotherapy is a common cosmetic procedure carried out to improve the appearance of swollen varicose and spider veins. Besides skin-deep improvements, it usually leads to alleviating common deformed vein symptoms such as swelling, cramps, burning sensations and ache. What should be done after sclerotherapy, which activities should be avoided, and how...
Painful, unattractive varicose veins can lower your self-esteem and the quality of your life, so inquiring about possible treatments is a good way to approach the matter. If you are interested in varicose vein sclerotherapy in Los Angeles, here is all you need to know about what sclerotherapy is, how to...
Forming of a blood clot in the vein can represent a great cause for concern. For mothers-to-be, a risk this medical condition may bring can increase during pregnancy, so knowing how to recognize blood clot pregnancy symptoms can be really important. Here are a few indications you should keep an eye on....
Varicose veins are an unpleasant symptom of some pregnancies, and although they tend to get better with time after the childbirth, many women search for means to relieve their pain during the pregnancy. If your varicose veins don’t get better after the delivery, remember that the treatment of varicose veins in...
Varicose veins sure look unshapely, but it’s the health risks they represent that causes future mothers much worrying. It’s good to know that there are possibilities for treating pregnancy veins in Los Angeles; however, when it comes to varicose and spider veins that appear during pregnancy, it is advised that no removal...
For many mothers-to-be, spotting their first spider veins during pregnancy was a very unpleasant experience. On the bright side, there are several treatments for spider veins and varicose veins in pregnancy Los Angeles specialist recommend. These are some very good news as, apart from looking unsightly, slightly enlarged intertwined veins may present a risk from...
You already know that varicose or spider veins do more than just mess with your good looks, which is why you’re focused on finding a safe and effective varicose vein removal in Los Angeles. What is it that you need to do to make sure you’re getting the best treatment for your...
Not so long ago, finding effective treatment, especially effective laser treatment for your varicose veins in Los Angeles was a difficult endeavor. Now that spider vein treatment procedures are no longer obscure, their benefits are widely known and the recovery swift, you’re all for it. Naturally, you want the absolute best doctor to perform the procedure. But...
As if being unsightly wasn’t bad enough, varicose veins cause pain and discomfort and potentially lead to other, more severe complications. However, the best Los Angeles laser vein removal professionals have the capacity to deal with them. With an appropriate treatment and adequate post-treatment, varicose veins can become a thing of the past....
Are varicose veins the bane of your existence, a never-ending nightmare? Luckily, finding the best laser removal in Los Angeles for varicose veins is no longer a problem. LA’s top vein specialists have the experience and competence to treat anything from spider veins to the life-threatening varicose conditions. Also, the procedure’s cost is a small price to...
Many women experience the unpleasantness triggered by having varicose veins during pregnancy. These unshapely, dark, swollen veins most commonly appear on the legs, thighs or feet, causing discomfort and pain. Varicose veins pregnancy Los Angeles experts explain how these veins are formed and how to prevent varicose vein formation or at least minimize the nuisance they...
No woman is ever pleased to find varicose veins on her legs, thighs or feet during pregnancy. These unflattering, swollen, dark, lumpy veins are an unattractive sight, but they often disappear in the months following the childbirth. Many mothers are lucky to just go on with their lives but for...
Varicose veins are enlarged, lumpy, dark-colored superficial veins that are most commonly seen on the legs. When a vein wall or valve lose elasticity, blood flow gets affected. Blood can get “stuck” in the vein or start flowing backwards, which causes the vein to become swollen and enlarged. Developing varicose...
Varicose veins are dark, swollen blood vessels that are most commonly found on the legs. They can develop for various reasons: age, genetic predispositions, pregnancy, obesity, hormonal therapy, or inactivity. Varicose veins are the result of weakened blood vessel walls and/or valves, which cause the irregular blood flow through the...
Do you have swollen and twisted veins right underneath the skin? Varicose veins most often appear in the legs but they can occur in other parts of the body as well. Although varicose and spider veins are a common medical condition, many people don’t seek the help of a renowned North...
Varicose veins are a quite widespread medical condition, affecting approximately 30 million Americans. These enlarged and swollen veins can become uncomfortable and lead to serious complications, especially if left untreated. Therefore, it’s no surprise that traditional vein surgery, commonly referred to as stripping, is performed less and less these days....
Did you know that your veins are put under lots of pressure every day? When valves inside the veins function properly, they allow blood flow in the right direction – toward the heart. As your leg muscles get activated, the valves open to permit this one-way flow, fighting against the...
Varicose veins can be unsightly and painful. For some people, they are a cosmetic problem, while for others, they are a sign of a serious medical issue. In both cases, they shouldn’t be ignored. With swimsuit season around the corner, many people seek the most effective varicose vein removal in Beverly...
Have you noticed lumpy purple or blue lines that run up and down your legs and wondered what may be the cause of your enlarged veins? As you age, you may see more and more of them developing. Don’t let them keep you from wearing skirts or shorts. Get the best varicose...
Skin is the largest organ of human body and it is in a continuous state of flux. However, abnormalities in the turnover of skin cells are not uncommon, resulting in dermatologic conditions such as venous ulcers. If you have varicose veins, you may have a chance of developing this sore on...
Identifying vein disease can be difficult because it may take years for the symptoms to develop. If varicose veins run in your family, however, there’s a big chance that you will have them, as well. If your both parents have them, the risk can go up to 90 percent. Once varicose...
The web of twist-and-turning blue or red veins got their name from a resembling spider web. Spider veins usually develop on the legs, particularly the thighs. Easy visible through the skin, they can look quite unsightly when they accumulate in large number. Whether you are looking for the best spider...
Varicose veins are enlarged veins that appear as blue bulging, twisted lumps that can be seen and felt underneath the skin. As many as 25 million Americans have it. If you are among them, you shouldn’t leave your varicose veins untreated. They can also cause chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Seek an...
It is estimated that up to 80 million Americans have some form of venous insufficiency. According to the American Society for Vascular Surgery, varicose veins affect at least 25 million Americans. And yet there are many misconceptions about the causes and consequences of spider veins and varicose veins. Finding reliable information on...
Most men don’t have a doctor’s appointment on top of their priority list. You probably can’t remember the last time you’ve been in a doctor’s office. Especially if you don’t have any health concerns troubling you or symptoms you consider serious. There is a health condition lots of men should...
Maybe your holiday trip is approaching or you’re about to set off to visit a relative or a friend who lives far away. But as much as you’re excited about this little reunion, if you suffer from varicose veins, you might be anxious, as well. No matter what the means...
Varicose veins are gnarled, bulging and twisted veins that often appear blue or dark purple. This condition affects 1 out of every 4 adults in the United States. They are caused by faulty valves in the veins which allow blood to flow in the wrong direction. Some people get them...
Physical activity is one of the key components of a healthy life. Regular exercise will not only make you feel better but help prevent numerous health problems. Exercise is also important in preventing vein disease. But even athletes may have varicose and spider veins, you’ll say. Do people with healthy habits have...
Varicose veins have plagued mankind for thousands of years. While today it’s fairly easy to get rid of varicose veins, that wasn’t always the case. In fact, the first varicose vein treatments were quite deadly. But as medicine progressed so did these treatments, becoming much safer and easier to perform....
Varicose veins are bulged veins that may appear on your legs for a variety of reasons, but mainly due to genetic predispositions. Apart from being a cosmetic nuisance, on occasion varicose veins are known to cause discomfort and pain, as well as leg swelling and itching. In most cases, they...
This is by far one of the most common questions we have to answer when our patients call us for the first time. And we can give no better answer than “it depends”. In this article we are mostly going to talk about flying after a vascular vein removal operation....
The most dangerous assumption our patients make is that the worst thing about varicose veins is their unsightly nature, and that they are nothing more than a cosmetic nuisance. In most cases, this is true. But saying that aesthetic nuisance is the worst problem this disease can cause is a...
Varicose veins are often harmless and pose no threat other than being a cosmetic nuisance or causing symptoms such as fatigue or aches. However, there have been several cases of vascular veins becoming a life-threatening condition with a fatal result. Varicose veins can sometimes result in a massive hemorrhage that...
With many successful varicose vein removal procedures under his belt, Beverly Hills Vein Institute founder Ivan Brooks M.D. has treated many patients after their previous varicose vein treatments were unsuccessful. There could be several reasons why such a procedure went wrong, and naturally a patient who went through such an...
Varicose vein treatment has come a long way from the invasive surgical procedures of old. Thanks to the recent advancements in medicine and technology, removing varicose veins has never been easier. Varicose vein treatments of today are non-invasive, more effective and less dangerous than the old methods of treating this...
Endovenous Laser Therapy or EVLT is an effective and safest way to remove large varicose veins, getting rid of the cosmetic nuisance as well as the pain often associated with this disorder. EVLT is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a combination of laser and ultrasound technology to eliminate the...
For people with varicose veins and spider veins sclerotherapy has proven to be the best, most efficient solution. It is a medical procedure during which a solution is injected into the vein in question. It irritates the blood vessel lining and causes it to swell and stick. Over time, the...
A lot of patients in need of varicose vein removal worry about the usage of needles during the treatments. Fear of needles, also known as trypanophobia is very common with all age and gender groups and 10% of US adult citizens are estimated to suffer from it. This is a...
Spider veins are a common nuisance that anyone can contract. While they rarely cause any physical discomfort unlike varicose veins, they are extremely unsightly and can cause patients do develop a serious self-esteem issue. Like with varicose veins, there are several preventive methods to keep spider veins at bay, and...
Many people live with varicose veins as long as the symptoms are purely aesthetic, and realize only when it’s too late that they could have prevented agonizing symptoms form ever developing. The same people often tend to resort to various home treatments and fall for scam, telemarketed products with no...
Vein disease is not only a cosmetic nuisance, it can lead to some seriously uncomfortable symptoms. Instead of thinking about how to remove varicose veins, start thinking about how to prevent them. Most patients do not pay attention to varicose or spider veins until they’ve developed into a more serious...
Pregnancy is the most wonderful time of your life, as you plan on welcoming a new member of your family. However, every mother knows that the nine months aren’t all sunshine and rainbows – you can develop side effects such as nausea, frequent back pains and the development of varicose veins....
A lot of myths about varicose veins have been in circulation via various internet forums and websites. And while some of them might be loosely based on the truth, the facts have been largely misinterpreted and these myths can cause more harm to people already suffering from varicose veins. In...
Everyone knows that keeping a healthy diet and maintaining your ideal weight is crucial to your health and well-being but did you know that obesity is one of the most significant factors in developing venous reflux disease, which leads to varicose veins? Leading experts studying and treating varicose veins in...
Bathing suit season may be over, but for anyone who has spider veins, wearing shorts, a skirt or anything that exposes your legs can be scary. Luckily, there are some ways to prevent them—and one rather simple treatment to get rid of them. Lesser-Know CulpritsAccording to New York dermatologist Dr. Ivan...